
Currently working at Talkspace as Senior Software Engineer spending most of my time as Android Engineer. During these past four years in Talkspace, not only was I developing, deploying, and maintaining the Android app, but I also took on other responsibilities outside my initial role. For example acting as the scrum master of a team of ten engineers with five working remotely, contributing to a couple of microservices on our backend (JavaScript), and working closely with the marketing team to bridge the gap between them and engineering.

Over the past years, we delivered two major redesigns of the Android app starting with replacing listview with recyclerview in our custom chat, adding a live video feature, changing all the networking infrastructure from volley to retrofit, adding Android architecture components, and introducing Kotlin in our codebase. One of the most interesting projects I took on was working with our SREs, to create an automated script for CircleCI that runs lint checks, generates the apk, signs it, and distributes to QA when the code is pushed to a specific branch.